Safe Learning Environment

As a student, you have the right to a safe learning environment both at the educational institution and in other learning environments. On the other hand, you must not endanger your own safety or the safety of others by your actions. On this page you will find OSAO’s rules and other advice on mental, physical and social safety. There are also guidelines for dealing with unexpected problems, bullying and/or crises inside and outside the educational institution.

Rules foster safety and comfort

At OSAO, we abide by a specific set of rules. The purpose of the rules is to ensure that every student and employee can work in peace, comfort and safety. In addition to these rules, unit heads may issue specific instructions and rules for their units.

OSAO’s rules

OSAO’s rules are based on the Act on Vocational Education and Training (531/2017, section 80) and the Government Decree on Vocational Education and Training (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammatillisesta koulutuksesta 673/2017). The purpose of these rules is to ensure that everyone studying and working at OSAO is able to work in peace, comfort and safety, thus contributing to the achievement of key competence requirements and pedagogical objectives.

The rules contain provisions on the rights and obligations of OSAO students and apply to all OSAO’s units and learning environments, as well as during transfers between them. These rules, the rules of each dormitory and dormitory-specific housing instructions issued based on them apply to OSAO’s dormitories.

“Educational institution” means the premises of all OSAO units and all learning environments directly related to studies. The land area managed by the educational institution/unit and all buildings therein, including dormitories, and all areas where students study in accordance with the organisation of their qualification or education and training and their personal competence development plans (PCDP) are considered part of OSAO’s premises.

In addition, learning environments and situations linked to the organisation of a qualification or education and training and studies also include events arranged by OSAO during and outside study hours, events arranged by students on OSAO’s premises and events and/or trips during which students represent the educational institution. Other instructions and rules issued by OSAO also apply.

Students must attend instruction and competence demonstrations and other events for demonstration of competence as specified in their PCDP, unless exempted for a justifiable reason. (Act on Vocational Education and Training 531/2017, section 94)

A student may be granted permission to be absent for a justifiable reason. A permission to be absent must be requested in writing and a decision on it will be made either by the student’s teacher (in the case of an absence of at most three working days) or by the head of student and academic affairs/unit head (in the case of an absence of more than three working days). The students must inform their teacher of any absence without delay. (GUIDELINE on the monitoring of attendance and records on attendance, absence and lessons)

Students must be prepared for teaching in accordance with the instructions given and have with them the appropriate equipment and supplies.

During on-the-job learning, students must follow the working hours and rules agreed at the workplace and report any absences without delay to the workplace and the supervising teacher.

Students must complete their tasks diligently and observe appropriate conduct (Act on Vocational Education and Training 531/2017, section 94). Every member of the school community has the right to have peaceful working conditions in compliance with occupational safety and health legislation. Every member of the community must also contribute to a positive learning environment through their behaviour. See also Appropriate treatment in the learning community.

Each student and staff member is responsible for keeping the premises and facilities of their unit clean.

A student’s obligation to compensate for any damage caused is regulated by the Tort Liability Act (412/1974). A student who deliberately or negligently causes damage is liable for damages. Any damage must be reported to the staff without delay. Intentional breaking, damaging or losing of property or failure to return property will result in compensation proceedings.

When receiving equipment, supplies or devices for studying from the unit, the students must handle them with care in accordance with the instructions given. Students are obliged to inform the staff of any defects they observe in the teaching equipment or real property. Instructions given by the staff must be followed in customer service situations.

OSAO units are not liable for any property left on the premises of the educational institution.

All OSAO students and staff members must familiarise themselves and comply with the occupational safety and health rules and plans of their unit and industry, taking into account the special characteristics of the industry and the workplace. If a student notices any occupational safety and health issues, they must be reported to the staff without delay. (Occupational Safety and Health Act 738/2002)

Smoking and the use and handling of tobacco products, tobacco substitutes, smoking accessories, electronic cigarettes and tobacco imitations are not permitted on OSAO premises, in OSAO’s learning environments or while representing OSAO. The ban on smoking and tobacco smoke also applies to the burning of herbal products intended to be smoked and to the use of electronic cigarettes and the resulting fumes, vapours and particulates. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to have tobacco products in their possession (Tobacco Act 549/2016, sections 53 and 74).

In accordance with section 74 of the Tobacco Act, smoking is prohibited in indoor areas of buildings that are accessible to the general public, employees or customers, in shelters and other spectator areas where participants stay in one place and in outdoor areas of institutions providing vocational education. Using smokeless tobacco products in indoor or outdoor premises of institutions providing vocational education is prohibited.

Introducing, keeping in one’s possession, consuming or appearing under the influence of intoxicants and narcotics in OSAO’s units, in learning environments related to studies and when representing OSAO is prohibited (Act on Vocational Education and Training 531/2017, Act on Services for Intoxicant Abusers [Päihdehuoltolaki 41/1986], Narcotics Act 373/2008, Criminal Code 39/1889, chapter 50).

OSAO has its own substance abuse policy.

Traffic and parking on OSAO’s premises is subject to general traffic rules and any additional instructions issued by the unit.

If a student leaves the learning environment covered by the PCDP without permission, the insurance cover for their studies is no longer valid.

Any member of staff who notices that a student has violated the rules or otherwise behaved inappropriately must advise and guide the student by appropriate pedagogical means or refer the violation for disciplinary measures.

Disciplinary measures may include removal and expulsion from the classroom or the premises of the educational institution, a written warning, a ban from attending instruction, suspension of the right to study, suspension from the educational institution for at most one year or expulsion from the dormitory for a fixed term or for the remainder of the studies. Violation of the rules is provided for in section 85 of the Act on Vocational Education and Training. The procedures are described in OSAO’s plan on the use of disciplinary measures. Other rights and obligations of students are laid down in chapter 10 of the Act on Vocational Education and Training.

A student may be issued a written warning if they behave violently or threateningly, act under false pretences or otherwise cause disorder at the educational institution. If the act or negligence is serious in nature or if the student continues to violate the rules, they may be suspended from the educational institution and/or expelled from the dormitory for a fixed term or for the remainder of the their studies.

Study credits must be obtained honestly, i.e. so that the students gives a true picture of their knowledge. Any fraud and plagiarism during studies is prohibited.

“Plagiarism” means the use of another person’s ideas, knowledge, language skills or writing skills or artificial intelligence when it is done without properly acknowledging the original source.

Using mobile phones without a separate permission during learning situations is prohibited.

The taking of photographs and the recording of videos on OSAO’s premises and during OSAO events, as well as the making and publishing of video and audio recordings without the permission of the parties concerned is prohibited.

Unit heads may issue instructions and orders elaborating these rules.

Addressing bullying

As a student, you have the right to a physically, mentally and socially safe learning environment. If you notice someone being bullied or are being bullied yourself, do the following:

  • Tell the bully/harasser that their behaviour is inappropriate.
  • If this does not help, contact your teacher or another member of staff, who will initiate an investigation into the matter. You can also submit a notice of bullying in Wilma.
  • You do not have to resolve the situation on your own. Every OSAO staff member has an obligation to intervene in bullying.

Bullying is not tolerated in OSAO and will be dealt with as soon as it is brought to our attention. OSAO’s student welfare plan contains a more detailed plan on how we protect students from violence, bullying and harassment.


Occupational safety and health

A proper attitude towards safety at work is a key part of the vocation you are studying. To prevent accidents, you must understand and follow all instructions given by the educational institution and the workplace to maintain occupational safety and health.

Carefully read the user manuals and safety instructions of all equipment before using them. Before on-the-job learning, you need to be familiar with occupational safety and health issues related to professional work in the industry in question. The insurance policy will not cover any damage caused by your failure to comply with occupational safety and health instructions. Your studies also cover first aid and safety.

Certain fields of vocational education and training entail significant safety risks, which is why there are rules such as no outsiders at the workplace. If you notice any occupational safety and health issues at work, report them to the staff without delay.


Responsibility for tools

You are responsible for the tools you are given by the educational institution: always handle them with care. You are obliged to report any lost or broken property to your teacher or the person who gave you access to the educational institution’s property. The person who uses shared tools must maintain them and return them to their proper places. Under the Tort Liability Act, you are liable in damages if you deliberately damage or lose any property of the educational institution.


No smoking

In OSAO, we want to encourage our students to stop smoking and prevent young people from taking up smoking and being exposed to tobacco smoke.

All units of OSAO are non-smoking. The rules prohibit smoking and the use and handling of tobacco products of any kind, including snus, on OSAO’s premises, in learning environments and when representing OSAO. This also applies to the use and handling of tobacco substitutes, smoking accessories, electronic cigarettes and tobacco imitations. The smoking ban applies to the burning of herbal products intended to be smoked and the use of electronic cigarettes.

Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to have tobacco products in their possession (Tobacco Act 549/2016, sections 53 and 74). In accordance with section 74 of the Tobacco Act, smoking is prohibited in indoor areas of buildings that are accessible to the general public, employees or customers, in shelters and other spectator areas where participants stay in one place and in outdoor areas of institutions providing vocational education. Using smokeless tobacco products (such as snus) in indoor or outdoor premises of institutions providing vocational education is prohibited.


Addressing the use of intoxicants

If you are concerned about your own substance use or that of your friends, you should talk to a person such as your teacher, the guidance counsellor, the school social worker or the school nurse. They can tell you about OSAO’s tools and the support available for you to help you reduce and end your substance abuse.

If a student is found or suspected of being intoxicated at the educational institution, their substance use will be addressed without delay. The substance abuse will be investigated with the student and the person who has custody of them (if the student is under the age of 18) to assess the situation and agree on further measures, referral for treatment and follow-up measures.

According to OSAO’s substance abuse policy, every member of staff is obligated to intervene in substance abuse. Substance abuse work is a shared responsibility of the staff and students. Student welfare services will assist and support anyone in a problematic situation or crisis.


Drug testing

You will be required to provide a drug test certificate if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that you have been under the influence of narcotics during the on-the-job training that is part of your studies or that you are addicted.

The testing is necessary to determine your functional capacity. You will also be tested if you will perform tasks that require particular accuracy, reliability, independent judgement or good reaction time.

Drug testing may also be necessary if you operate in a position where being under the influence of or dependent on narcotics would:

  • Endanger health and safety
  • Endanger traffic safety
  • Endanger the protection or integrity of information protected by non-disclosure provisions
  • Increase the risk of illicit drug trafficking and the distribution of narcotics

The school is obliged to inform the person who has custody of the student if a student is required to submit a drug test certificate.