Preparatory Education for Vocational Training “TUVA”

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Before starting upper secondary vocational education and training, immigrant students can complete a short period of pre-vocational preparatory education. The programme helps to improve Finnish language skills and other abilities needed for studying according to an individual study plan. The preparatory education period lasts from 6 and 12 months, and is conducted entirely in Finnish.

  • Every student gets an own individual study plan. The education includes career guidance, special needs support, study guidance, familiarisation with work life by visiting workplaces and carrying out on-the-job-learning (in workplaces)
  • It also includes familiarisation with vocational studies (different fields) at vocational colleges.
  • Students can also study mathematics, health education, languages (Finnish as a second language, English, Swedish)

The education lasts for one academic year (30-60 Competence points). The education is provided five days a week, 6 – 8 hours a day on average.

Please find more information on TUVA and the application procedure at Studyinfo

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We organise language tests for non-native Finnish speakers during the application period. Applicant’s Finnish language has to be at level A.2.2.