Over 2,000 New Professionals Graduated from OSAO

A total of 2,004 new professionals graduated from the Educational Consortium OSAO between August 1, 2023, and May 24, 2024. The graduates have completed either a vocational upper secondary qualification, a further vocational qualification, or a specialist vocational qualification. Among the graduates, 97 also completed the matriculation examination alongside their vocational studies.

Mirella Puurunen has completed her studies in the tourism field at OSAO after a three-year educational journey. “I feel very happy, but also somewhat nostalgic. This has been the best school and class ever. I’ve really enjoyed my tourism studies, and the last three years have been absolutely amazing. On the other hand, I am also ready to put my studies aside and move into working life.”

Pyry Isojämsä is graduating this spring from OSAO as a Ventilation Fitter and dreams of pursuing engineering studies in the future. Graduating into his profession brings Pyry a sense of peace and pride. “Now I am truly a professional. I feel that I did well in all my skills demonstrations and studies. I don’t know if I’m a natural talent in ventilation,” Pyry laughs.

Warm congratulations to all the graduates!


Written by Marsa Jurvakainen, translated from Finnish by Heli Raappana