
Operaattori: CGI Suomi Oy
Välittäjän tunnus: 003703575029
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003709924453

Y-tunnus: 0992445-3

Elementti näyttää Voice Intuitiven kuuntelunapin ja translate-valikon

Merkonomi, Vocational Qualification in Business


change the language of Wilma to English in the settings when filling in the application form.

Basic entrance requirements for studying Vocational qualification in Business:

  • Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, age 7-16)
  • Good written and oral command in the English language
  • Basic level command of Finnish language (A.1.3 European language framework)

This study programme is for those who have completed basic education and are without completed vocational qualification. Upper secondary or higher education graduates with completed qualification cannot be accepted.

the program is intended for students aged 16-19.

Koulutuksen sisältö

Compulsory vocational units, competence points (cp):
Customer Service, 15 cp
Operating in a business environment, 25 cp

Optional vocational units:
IBDP Business and Management, SL, 15 cp
IBDP English B, SL, 10 cp
IBCP Reflective project, 5 cp
Other optional units, 75 cp

Commom units, 35 cp:
Communication and interaction competence
Mathematics and science competence
Citizenship and working life competence

Koulutuksen kuvaus

Opetuskieli:  suomi

