
Operaattori: CGI Suomi Oy
Välittäjän tunnus: 003703575029
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003709924453

Y-tunnus: 0992445-3

Elementti näyttää Voice Intuitiven kuuntelunapin ja translate-valikon

Ravintola- ja catering-alan perustutkinto, Vocational Qualification in restaurant and catering services


Studies and applying

Rolling admission is aimed especially at upper secondary school graduates and those who are changing career direction and already have some previous studies or work experience. Applicants with upper secondary or higher level qualifications completed abroad are also suitable for the programme if their Finnish language skills are not sufficient for Finnish-language vocational education (Ravintola- ja cateringalan perustutkinto). The studies require both good English language skills and good study skills.

Who can apply

Basic entrance requirements for studying Vocational qualification in Restaurant and catering services:

Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, age 7-16)
Good written and oral command in the English language
Basic level command of Finnish language (A.1.3 European language framework)
18 years of age

Koulutuksen sisältö

Scope of qualification is 180 competence points (cp)

Compulsory units 85 competence points
Working in catering services 20 competence points
Preparing lunch dishes 40 competence points
Preparing plated dishes 25 competence points
Optional units, 60 competence points
Preparing à la carte dishes 30 competence points
Food preparation for catering services and special occasions 25 competence points
Street and fast food services 10 competence points
Using natural produce in catering services 15 competence points
Working in an international work environment 15 competence points
Common units, 35 competence points
Communication and interaction competence
Skills in mathematics and natural sciences
Societal and working life competences
Read more at Studyinfo

Koulutuksen kuvaus

Opetuskieli:  suomi


Hinta: There are no tuition fee but, you must purchase kitchen clothing, work shoes and other studying material.