Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering services
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OSAO is offering a study programme in restaurant and catering services delivered completely in English. You can graduate as a cook, and gain diverse skills for cooking, baking, and customer service roles. After graduation you have strong language skills and the skills to work or study in international environments in the restaurant and catering sector.
Career and studies
As a cook you will be working in various tasks in the restaurant and catering business. Working in this field of services requires independent and responsible attitude. As a cook, hygiene is a matter of honor for you, and you know to utilize good interaction and teamwork skills. This education provides good skills for working in diverse positions in this profession in Finland and abroad. Studies consist of contact and independent studies and work-based learning. Possibility to include international work-based studies.
Optional units provide you to build your own professional skills. Your professional skills consist of gastronomic skills, attitude, language skills, flexibility and creativity.
Employment and opportunities for further studies
After completing the degree, you will be able to work in cooking positions in restaurants with different business ideas and missions. The course of study provides you with vocational as well as language skills that are an advantage when working in international restaurant environments.
Vocational qualification gives students eligibility for further education in universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland.
Details and application
Studies and applying
Rolling admission is aimed especially at upper secondary school graduates and those who are changing career direction and already have some previous studies or work experience. Applicants with upper secondary or higher level qualifications completed abroad are also suitable for the programme if their Finnish language skills are not sufficient for Finnish-language vocational education (Ravintola- ja cateringalan perustutkinto). The studies require both good English language skills and good study skills.
Who can apply
Basic entrance requirements for studying Vocational qualification in Restaurant and catering services:
- Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, age 7-16)
- Good written and oral command in the English language
- Basic level command of Finnish language (A.1.3 European language framework)
- 18 years of age
Applicants without Finnish basic education certificate
- Copy of original basic education certificate must be certified by authorized public body.
- Copy of original basic education certificate must be translated into English and certified translator.
- In case foreign basic education certificate is not comparable with Finnish basic education certificate the applicant will be invited to attend (learning) preparedness test (emphasis on Mathematics and digital skills).
- Finnish language fluency (level A.1.3 European language framework) will be tested.
- The tests will be held in Oulu.
Application period
The application form is available during the application period from 19 March to 27 April 2025.
Start and planned duration of studies
Studies start on 11 August 2025. Planned duration is two years. You will have a personal competence development plan (PCDP). Duration of your studies depends on your prior competence and PCDP.
Place of study
OSAO, Kaukovainio unit, Services, Teaching restaurant Hilikku, Kasarmintie 8 H, 90100 Oulu
Selection criteria
Selection interview
- All eligible applicants will be invited to an interview. The interview will be scored on a scale of 0-10 points. The selection criteria are:
- Selection group 0-6 points (see scoring in the description of selection groups)
- Need for training 0-4 points (applicant’s situation: changing profession, threat of unemployment, health status, motivation)
Students are selected based on an interview.
Applicants will be contacted and invited to a selection interview within a week after the application period has ended. Interviews will be held in weeks 20-21/2025.
(Learning) preparedness test and Finnish language test will be arranged before the selection interview. Only applicants who have passed the tests will be invited to the selection interview.
Language proficiency assessment
Language requirements:
- Good written and oral command in the English language is required. English skills are tested in the entrance examination or in the interview.
- Finnish language fluency (level A.1.3 European language framework) will be tested.
Form of studies
The study is carried out as full-time education in accordance with the personal competence development plan. It is not possible to complete the studies as online studies. Teaching and guidance is provided as face-to-face, online and distance learning (Teams). Studies also include independent study.
Structure of studies
Scope of qualification is 180 competence points (cp)
Compulsory units 85 competence points
- Working in catering services 20 competence points
- Preparing lunch dishes 40 competence points
- Preparing plated dishes 25 competence points
Optional units, 60 competence points
- Preparing à la carte dishes 30 competence points
- Food preparation for catering services and special occasions 25 competence points
- Street and fast food services 10 competence points
- Using natural produce in catering services 15 competence points
- Working in an international work environment 15 competence points
Common units, 35 competence points
- Communication and interaction competence
- Skills in mathematics and natural sciences
- Societal and working life competences
Read more https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi/#/en/kooste/4038059 at Studyinfo
Cost of studying
There are no tuition fee but, you must purchase kitchen clothing, work shoes and other studying material.
Further information
Lecturer in Food Production, Riikka Vanhala tel. +358 50 5432836, riikka.vanhala@osao.fi
Study Counsellor, Mervi Savela, tel. +358 40 4858604, mervi.savela@osao.fi
FAQ about applying to Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering services
You have to fill in an online application form. The application form is available during the application period. You can attach the required documents to your application.
With legal guardian we most often refer to the parent; legal guardian has the right to decide for matters concerning a student that is under 18 years old. For example, if an underaged student has some problems, we must be able to contact the legal guardian and have them responsible for helping the student.
No, unfortunately we can not arrange any examinations, Learning preparedness test, Finnish language test or an interview online. You have to attend the exam, tests and the interview in Oulu, Finland.
No, we follow the Finnish national joint application criteria in which you do not get any extra points from work experience.
No, your English skill are tested in the entrance examination or in the interview.
Yes, you can apply. Basic entrance requirements are completed Finnish comprehensive school or corresponding education (9 years of education), Good written and oral command of the English language and basic level command of the Finnish language (A.1.3 European language framework).
Vocational Qualifications include Finnish as a second language studies and customer service Finnish skills. In order to pass the level required a student must have basic command of the Finnish language at the beginning. The level recommended is A.1.3 in European language framework.
The Finnish language fluency will be tested. You can study the basics of Finnish before the entrance examination or the Finnish language test.
You must attach copies of the school certificates and an official English translation to the application. The translation must be done by an authorised translator and must include the translator’s signature and stamp.
Upper secondary or higher education graduates can apply in rolling admission.
Upper secondary or higher education graduates with completed qualification cannot be accepted in separate admission (Vocational Qualification in Business including IBCP studies). If you are eligible for higher education in Finland, you can’t apply for our education in separate application.
You don’t have to study especially for the entrance examination. The entrance examination measures oral and written English language skills, learning skills, and learning motivation.
There is no tuition fee. Students are required to finance their studies and living expenses themselves. We don’t have a dormitory.
OSAO does not have scholarships available for international students and cannot offer financial assistance to students.